I’d like for you to meet Jane Daly. Jane is a fellow author who has been through a lot in her short life. Joy, happiness, grief, comfort, frustration, exhaustion, all the things necessary to come to know Christ in an intimate and personal way through personal tragedy, spiritual and emotional heartache, and even triumph.
Jane shares these things with her readers through her writing. One book she has written that I would like to recommend is The Caregiving Season: Finding Grace to Honor Your Aging Parents. Jane and her husband Mike became caregivers after her father’s health began to rapidly decline. In this book she tells their story with sometimes brutal honesty, and yet always with love and compassion as she shares how she made it her goal to always honor her mother and father.
I won’t say anymore. If you do need to know more, go read the reviews. If you are a caregiver, or about to become one, these reviews will give you good insight into just how much this book can touch your heart and help you go through one of the most difficult seasons of life.